1-Export Full DB
2-Export a specific tablespace
3-Export 30% from your table
4-Create directory and grant permission
5-Export 2 or more tables
6-Export 30% from HR.Employees Table
7-create direct for expdp
8-Import tables from dumpfile
9-Import Full Database
10-display help of expdp/impdp
11-sys and system with expdp
12-export with where clause
13-Export partition table
14-Exclude table from a schema
15-Export with pararell
16-view data pump job
17-display status of oracle export job very 5 monutes
18-Estimating Disk space needed in a table-mode export
19-define size of export file (6GB-->3GB,3GB)
20-export dump file to two difference locations
21-Stop Export while it is running
22- Export with multiple schema
23-Error on Directory and FileName
24-view all object in dumpfile
25-How to import object in one schema to other schema
26-Expdp with parfile
27-Include Procedure Name start with A with your export file
28-Import with Append
expdp hr/hr DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1 DUMPFILE=expdat.dmp SCHEMAS=hr,sh,oe |
There are many type of export and import in oracle
1-Export Full DB by
expdp username/password Full=Y Directory=impdir Dumpfile=FileName.dmp LogFile=FileName_log.log;
expdp system/password@db10g full=Y directory=TEST_DIR dumpfile=DB10G.dmp logfile=expdpDB10G.log
after it is successfully export it shows Number of rows and size of the export file
2-Export a specific tablespace
expdp username/password TableSpaces=TablespaceName Directory=impdir Dumpfile=FileName1.dmp LogFile=FileName2.log;
expdp hr/hr DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1 DUMPFILE=tbs.dmp TABLESPACES=tbs_4, tbs_5, tbs_6
3-Export 30% from your table
expdp hr/hr directory=X dumpfile=Xfile.dmp sample=30
expdp hr/hr directory=X dumpfile=Xfile.dmp sample="HR"."Employees":30
4-Create directory and grant permission
create or replace directory Test_dir as '/u01/app/oracle/";
grant read,write on directory Test_dir to hr;
5-Export 2 or more tables
expdp hr/123 tables=t1,t2 directory=Xdir dumpfile=Xfile.dmp logfile=Xlog.log
6-Export 30% from HR.Employees Table
expdp hr/hr directory=Data_pimp DumpFile=sample1.dmp sample=30 |
expdp hr/hr directory=Data_pimp DumpFile=sample1.dmp sample="HR"."EMPLOYEES":30 |
7-create direct for expdp
CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY test_dir AS '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/'; |
8-Import tables from dumpfile
impdp scott/tiger@db10g tables=EMP,DEPT directory=TEST_DIR dumpfile=EMP_DEPT.dmp logfile=impdpEMP_DEPT.log
9-Import Full Database
impdp system/password@db10g full=Y directory=TEST_DIR dumpfile=DB10G.dmp logfile=impdpDB10G.log
10-display help of expdp
expdp help=y
impdp help=y
11-sys and system with expdp
we can not use user sys, system with expdp
12-export with where clause
exp scott/tiger tables=emp query="where deptno=10"
exp scott/tiger file=abc.dmp tables=abc query=\"where sex=\'f\'\" rows=yes
13-Export partition table
when you export , if your table is partition, it will export partition one by one, and it also export the index of the table also
14-Exclude table from a schema
expdp scott/tiger@db10g schemas=SCOTT exclude=TABLE:"= 'BONUS'" directory=TEST_DIR dumpfile=SCOTT.dmp logfile=expdpSCOTT.log
15-Export with pararell
expdp scott/tiger@db10g schemas=SCOTT directory=TEST_DIR parallel=4 dumpfile=SCOTT_%U.dmp logfile=expdpSCOTT.log |
16-view data pump job
DBA_DATAPUMP_JOBS view can be used to monitor the current jobs |
select * from dba_datapump_jobs
17-display status of oracle export job very 5 monutes
This example will export the hr and sh schemas and display the status of the export every 5 minutes (60 seconds x 5 = 300 seconds).
expdp hr/hr DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1 SCHEMAS=hr,sh STATUS=300
18-Estimating Disk space needed in a table-mode export
expdp hr directory=dir1 estimate_only=y tables=employees,departments logfile=log1.log
19-define size of export file (6GB-->3GB,3GB)
expdp hr full=y directory=dir1 dumpfile=full%u.dmp filesize=3G parallel=3 logfile=log2.log job_name=j
Break Expdp File in to small Size with order fileName
expdp CRM/CRM@RKDB Tables=CALLDETAIL directory=ExpFolder dumpFile=Exp_CallDetail%U.dmp FILESIZE=10G logfile=Exp_callDetail.log
20-export dump file to two difference locations
expdp hr full=y dumpfile=dir1:full1%u.dmp, dir2:full2%u.dmp
filesize=3G parallel=3 logfile=log2.log job_name=j
21-Stop Export while it is running
while the export is running , press Ctrl+c
at the Export promt issue the below command
are you sure you wish to stop this job (y/n) : y
you are inside the session that started the expdp, then just ctrl+C will get
you to the EXPDP> prompt from where you can issue KILL_JOB command to kill
the session you are in. Issue help for more commands in that control utility.
expdp hr/hr DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1 DUMPFILE=expdat.dmp SCHEMAS=hr,sh,oe 23-Error on Directory and FileName Error: ORA-39002: invalid operation ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file. ORA-29283: invalid file operation ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 488 ORA-29283: invalid file operation Mean the directory you input is not correct; Please check your directory location and FileName. Example D\export -->wrong D:\export -->correct
24-view all object in dumpfile impdp system/123 sqlfile=mydll1.sql dumpfile=exp.dmp directory=export this command will export obj in dumpfile to sql file, there is no table created 25-How to import object in one schema to other schema impdp system/123 remap_schema=hr:system tables=departments directory=export dumpfile=exp.dmp old schema: hr--> new schema:system |
26-Expdp with parfile
Parfile allow you to include export option in a file
expdp scott/tiger parfile=mypar.par
root> cat mypar.par
27-Include Procedure Name start with A with your export file
In this example, we include stored procedure names that begin with A :
expdp scott/tiger parfile=mypar.par
28-Append Data to existing table
impdp system/xxxx TABLES=Mc.HUY_TEST TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=APPEND directory=MWINGDUMP dumpfile=HUY_TEST062015.dmp logfile=imp`date +%d%m%y_%H%M`.log
In this example, we include stored procedure names that begin with A :
expdp scott/tiger parfile=mypar.par
root> cat mypar.par
directory=data logfile=t1.log
--Text inside exp.par
expdp system/xxxxx parfile=exp.par dumpfile=HUY_TEST`date
--date="1 months ago" +%m%Y`.dmp logfile=HUY_TEST_log_`date
--date="1 months ago" +%m%Y`.log
28-Append Data to existing table
impdp system/xxxx TABLES=Mc.HUY_TEST TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=APPEND directory=MWINGDUMP dumpfile=HUY_TEST062015.dmp logfile=imp`date +%d%m%y_%H%M`.log
expdp system/xxxxxx DIRECTORY=xxxxGDUMP DUMPFILE=DB_structure.dmp schemas=xxING CONTENT=metadata_only
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