Oracle Architecture

1-Location of pFile
2-Display FileName and other Information
3-Display only File Name
4-show last created object
5-Password file in oracle
6-information store in oracle control file

1-  Location of PFILE in Oracle 11g

2-Display FileName and other Information

3-Display only File Name

4-show last created object

select * from all_objects
where Object_Type='TABLE' order by Created desc

5-Password file in oracle
DBA password can't store on database, because oracle can't access database before instance start up
so the authentication of database must happen outside database, there are two ways to authenticate the dba :
1-using password file
2-through OS Group, any user under dba group can log in as sysdba
default location of password file:
NONE: do not use password file
Executive: use password file but only one database
shared: password file used by many database.

6-Information store in oracle control file

Every Oracle Database has a control file, which is a small binary file that records the physical structure of the database. The control file includes: The database name.Names and locations of associated datafiles and redo log files

1-Reading Oracle Control file content
alter database backup controlfile to trace,

control file will be in Udump nt in bdump


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