Data Gurd

DGMGRL>connect system/ABC1234
DGMGRL>Show configuration verbose

Configuration - dgDatabase

  Protection Mode: MaxPerformance
    DB1- Primary database
    stndby - Physical standby database

Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED

2- Adding a Datafile or Creating a Tablespace
The STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT database initialization parameter controls whether the addition of a datafile to the primary database is automatically propagated to a physical standby databases.
  • If the STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT parameter on the physical standby database is set to AUTO, any new datafiles created on the primary database are automatically created on the physical standby database.
  • If the STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT database parameter on the physical standby database is set to MANUAL, a new datafile must be manually copied from the primary database to the physical standby databases after it is added to the primary database.
917         standby_file_management         2              AUTO 

[10:41:27 AM] lim chounghuy: I need to turn it off, and restore the whole database again
[7:53:35 PM] lim chounghuy: Warning: ORA-16792: configurable property value is inconsistent with database setting
[7:56:50 PM] lim chounghuy: Error: ORA-16778: redo transport error for one or more databases
[7:57:08 PM] lim chounghuy: Error: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

---Previous Solution
alter system set standby_file_management='MANUAL' ;
alter system set standby_file_management='AUTO' ;

dgmgrl>connect system/
Show configuration verbose
Replace password file from production to standby

ORA-16766: Redo Apply is stopped
Archivelog file error, copy archivelog file form production to replace in standby server.
Look at alert log file
Copy archive log file from production to standby db
Manual start
tail -50 /oracle/app/diag/rdbms/stndby/stndby/alert/log.xml
copy file from production to stand by server
scp /orafile2/archive/1_365430_823110531.dbf oracle@Prod-DB2:/orafile2/archive/1_365430_823110531.dbf

Root Cause
246 /orafile2/archive is full at 2015-08-03T03:50:36 as indicated error from production alert log file.




[7:59:09 PM] : On 246
[7:59:35 PM] : alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect from session;

Suggested solution
Warning: ORA-16792: configurable property value is inconsistent with database setting
I just restarted as below.
 SQL> alter system set dg_broker_start=false scope=both;
System altered.
SQL> alter system set dg_broker_start=true scope=both;
System altered.
Then the issue is gone.


Step1> Disable and enable broker
first on standby
SQL[PROD1PS1]> alter  system set dg_broker_start=false
Wait for a minute and the enable
SQL[PROD1PS1]> alter  system set dg_broker_start=true
Step2> If the problem not resolved after step 1 perform the step1 for primary as well and again check if the problem is resolved
Step3> If the problem is not resolved after step 2 also then
Identify the parameter which is inconsistent and manually set the parameter using dgmgrl if eg. say the db_file_name_convert is inconsistent then correct as mentioned below

DGMGRL> edit DATABASE "PROD1P" SET PROPERTY DbFileNameConvert = ‘/u01/app/Oradata’, ‘/u02/app/Oradata’


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